
Click here to purchase uniformStevensons Welcome LeafletWe have now moved to stevensons.co.uk or their Norwich store for all school uniform.


Pupils will always be in full uniform when on the academy site. If a student does not have full uniform with them and it cannot be corrected that day, they will remain in the behaviour unit until this is rectified. A phone call home will be made by the behaviour team to try and resolve the uniform issue with parent/carer support.


Mandatory Uniform:

  • Academy blazer with logo (purchased from Stevensons)
  • Plain white shirt 
  • Academy tie (House specific) (purchased from Stevensons)
  • Black tailored, straight leg trousers. These should be of professional design and not legging or legging-look, skinny or flared. The length is such that when standing, ankles should not be seen when black socks are worn.
  • Black pleated skirt (knee-length)(available in various lengths at Stevensons)
  • Black tights 
  • Black socks 
  • Black, formal and polishable shoes 
  • Optional: V neck knitted sweater


Mandatory PE Kit:

  • Academy t-shirt with logo (purchased from Stevensons)
  • Academy shorts with logo  (purchased from Stevensons)
  • Academy 1/4 zip training top with logo  (purchased from Stevensons)
  • Plain white sports socks
  • Royal Blue Football socks (for rugby and football)  
  • Trainers 
  • Gum shield (when appropriate)
  • Studded boots (when appropriate)

Optional PE Kit:

  • Plain black leggings or tracksuit bottoms 
  • Academy Skort with logo (purchased from Stevensons)
  • Alternative Option of  Academy PE shorts with logo (purchased from Stevensons)
  • Plain black baselayers can be worn under kit


Pupils are expected to be in smart formal shoes, they should be plain black leather look and polishable.  Plain black socks should be worn at all times. Shoes should not have a heel higher than one inch. Shoes should not be canvas, patterned or trainer type. Boots are not permitted. 


Hair colour should be a single, natural hair colour. If a student attends school with unnatural hair colour, parents will be contacted to reach a resolution and the student will remain with the pastoral team until resolved. Hair cuts should not be distracting and will be dealt with on a case by case basis. 


If a student wears makeup to school this should be minimal and subtle. We will make judgement on this and if asked to remove makeup, pupils will be given an immediate opportunity to rectify it. Should a member of staff ask for make up to be removed, they will issue a uniform mark on the system. Multiple infringements will result in a 30 minute detention. If the issue cannot be resolved, pupils will remain with the pastoral team until the issue can be rectified. 


Pupils can wear one small stud earring per ear and a watch (not a smart watch). If any other jewellery is seen, pupils will be asked to remove the jewellery and staff will issue a uniform mark on the system. Multiple infringements will result in a 30 minute detention. If the issue cannot be resolved, pupils will remain with the pastoral team until the issue can be rectified. Clear plastic retainers are allowed. 

Coats, hoodies and non-uniform attire

Pupils are permitted to wear a coat to school. The hood should be down at all times and the coat should be removed on entry to buildings. Pupils should be wearing the correct uniform as soon as they enter the school gate. Coats should be removed before entering the school building. If a student is seen wearing any non-uniform attire, staff will confiscate the item and will issue a uniform mark on the system. Multiple infringements will result in a 30 minute detention. If the issue cannot be resolved, pupils will remain with the pastoral team until the issue can be rectified.  A phone call will be made home for the parent/carer to pick the item up at the end of the school day. We will only return the item upon collection by the student’s parent/carer. 

False nails

Pupils will wear their own natural nails. Clear nail polish may be worn. If a student attends school with false nails, they will be asked to remove the false nails and staff will issue a uniform mark on the system. Multiple infringements will result in a 30 minute detention. If the issue cannot be resolved, pupils will remain with the pastoral team until the issue can be rectified. 

Mobile phones, speakers, headphones/earphones  

Safeguarding your child is of paramount importance to us at Wayland Academy. Although our WiFi network is secure, pupils can still access their own 3/4G signal anywhere therefore we cannot guarantee their safety or the safety of other pupils. Mobile phones, speakers and headphones/earphones are not required in school at any time. If mobile phones, speakers and headphones/earphones are seen, staff will confiscate the item and they will issue a uniform mark on the system. Multiple infringements will result in a 30 minute detention. If the issue cannot be resolved, pupils will remain with the pastoral team until the issue can be rectified.  Parents/carers will be notified of the confiscation and a time/day will be arranged with them to pick up the item. The item/s will only be returned to the parent or carer of the student in question.

Any behaviour that is deemed to be inappropriate may be sanctioned with time spent in the inclusion unit. If a student is in the inclusion unit for the day, they will have a separate break and lunchtime to the rest of the school, and they are not permitted to leave the inclusion unit for any reason or without the permission of the inclusion team.  

Uniform Policy