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Student Expectations & Routines
Our core principles
In order to achieve outstanding behaviour, we need to ensure high expectations and clear routines for all aspects of school life. We are shaping the behaviour of our young people to ensure they will be independent and ready to fully integrate into society when they leave our academy.
Atmosphere, Identify, Respect (AIR)
In order to achieve outstanding behaviour, we need to maintain high expectations and allow no shortcuts. We are shaping the Identity of our young people to ensure they will be independent and ready to fully integrate into society when they leave the Academy. As a result, we need to ensure we create and facilitate a positive but challenging learning Atmosphere around the Academy at all times and we want to ensure all students at the Academy show Respect to everyone. Therefore we use the 3 core principles of Atmosphere, Identity and Respect (AIR), to create a positive culture and character around Wayland Academy and beyond.
We expect every student to show respect to everyone in the school. We have adopted the acronym STAR to help you identify what you must ensure students do in lessons and assemblies.
STAR stands for:
Sit up - 100% attention
Track the teacher - 'eyes on me'
Answer and ask questions in full sentences
Respectful to everyone
Left for Learning
When moving between lessons students must walk on the left-hand side of the corridor to allow calm and controlled movement between lessons.
Start of the lesson expectations
All students should have removed their coats as they enter the building
All students enter the classroom in silence
All students get out their equipment for the lesson
- All students stand behind their chairs in silence and sit down in silence when requested by the teacher
End of a lesson expectations
- Students tidy up quickly and quietly
- All students stand behind their chairs in silence
- Students are dismissed one row at a time
- Students are instructed to move quietly and sensibly around the academy
Out of lesson we expect students to conduct themselves in the right way to be ready, respectful and safe. For any student not showing this, they will be given a social time sanction which can carry consequences depending on the level of poor conduct.
All students should be ready for learning. This includes ensuring they have the correct equipment every day. Students will have full equipment including, three black or blue pens, two green pen, two pencils, a rubber, a 30cm ruler, scientific calculator, a mini whiteboard and a whiteboard pen.
All students in Year 7 to 9 should have a suitable reading book in their bag.
Students need to carry a paper copy of their timetable as electronic devices are not permitted.
Every morning, tutors will conduct an equipment check.
Behaviour and arriving at school
The principles underlying the Behaviour for Learning at Wayland Academy are founded in the belief that all students, staff and parents should be encouraged to aspire to excellence in a shared learning process. We believe that this can only be achieved in an environment that is orderly and safe, an environment that encourages enjoyment of learning and promotes positive behaviour through a system of rewards and sanctions, which are understood and applied consistently by all. We teach our students explicitly what good behaviour looks like to ensure they can all meet their potential.
This document aims to outline a clear vision of what good behaviour looks like at Wayland and ensures we create a culture that promotes excellent behaviour. This includes how we ensure students can learn in a calm, safe and supportive environment and how we protect them from disruption.
At Wayland Academy we aim to create an ethos where:
Hard work, achievement and attainment are consistently rewarded and celebrated.
Sanctions are appropriate, consistent and implemented fairly.
Equality & diversity are embraced and mutual respect is encouraged.
Communication between staff, students & parents is efficient, consistent and effective.
The whole academy curriculum supports excellent behaviour.
The schools procedures have been developed with consideration of the Inspiration Trust overarching principles noted below and ‘Behaviour in schools: Advice for Headteachers and Staff’ (Department for Education, 2022);
Routines and preparation for adulthood
Social norms
Powerful knowledge
Teaching behaviour
Behaviour in lessons - a positive approach
It is important that students’ achievement in lessons, with homework and when representing the Academy in external events is recognised through fair and consistent implementation of the rewards system.
All members of staff will strive to look for the positives and encourage students to recognise and embrace their individual strengths and value their own successes.
When learning is disrupted, all staff will be expected to follow the behaviour procedures consistently.
The Department for Education (2022) states that positive reinforcement and sanctions are both important and necessary to support the whole-school culture.
Late to school
The school gates will be closed at 8:50am. If a student arrives after 8:50am, the student will arrive through reception where the Attendance Officer will issue the student with a sanction.
Chewing gum/eating and drinking during the school day
All students are able to have water in a clear plastic bottle in lessons (except for lessons in the computer suites due to health and safety). Chewing gum and fizzy drinks (not including fizzy water), including energy drinks, are not to be brought to school. You should only eat before school or during break and lunchtime. Eating outside of these times is not permitted.
For any unacceptable behaviour that persists or behaviour that is deemed not to follow school rules, students may be placed on a fixed term exclusion. This is when a student is required to stay at home for a period of time and complete school work at home.
As part of the Inspiration Trust, we can collaborate with other trust academies, therefore at times some students may be required to attend another academy within the trust for a set number of days as part of an internal trust exclusion.
In response to a serious breach, or persistent breaches of our policy; and where allowing the student to remain in school would seriously harm the education or welfare of other students in school, a decision to permanently exclude can be taken by the Principal.
Parents will be notified of any exclusion the academy decides to use.