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Special Education Needs & Disabilities
At Wayland Academy, we are aware of the needs of each individual student and recognise that we have a responsibility to support every student to achieve their potential.
At Wayland Academy we aim to:
- Ensure that all members of the school community support students with special educational needs and disabilities and that SEND students are integrated fully into the life of the school.
- Ensure that all students have access to high-quality teaching.
- Ensure that all students identified as having SEND have, as far as possible, equal access to all aspects of the curriculum, with modifications made to the curriculum if appropriate.
- Provide differentiation in all lessons to improve the educational opportunities of all students, regardless of ability.
- Meet the special educational needs of children with physical disabilities as far as is practicable in terms of the layout and resources of the college.
- Increase the confidence of students with SEND, encouraging them to be involved in their own provision.
- Communicate with parents about all aspects of the special needs provision made for their children and seek to develop this partnership.
Contact our SENDCo - Emma Gagen
For more information please read our Special Education Needs Information Report and Special Education Needs Policy.
SEN Information Report SEND Policy
A whole-academy approach
- Early review, identification and assessment.
- Student-centred planned provision.
- Delivery through resources, intervention and support.
- The progress that is measured, evaluated and developed.
Our aim
- Improved attainment and progress of students with SEND.
- Remove barriers to learning.
- All students to have access to a broad and balanced curriculum.
- Student needs to be identified and assessed.
- A provision for every student that matches their needs.
- An effective working partnership between academy and parents working towards a common goal.
- The views and wishes of students to be considered so that they feel that they are in control of their choices.
- The academy to work in partnership with professionals to support students and enable every student to succeed.
- Successful preparation for adulthood and prevention of students who are not in education, employment, or training (NEET).
- Students with SEND to exceed national academy attendance figures.
- Collaboration between the Academy and Health and Social Care services to provide support.
Please feel free to contact the academy if you have any questions regarding SEND on:
Useful links
Please see below links for advice regarding your child:
Norfolk Local Offer
What is the SEND Local Offer?
We must publish a SEND Local Offer. We must set out in one place information about provision that is available, and expected provision, across:
- Education
- Health
- Social care
for children and young people who have special educational needs and disabilities (SEND).
The SEND Local Offer has two main purposes:
- To provide clear, comprehensive, accessible and up-to-date information about available provision and how to access it.
- To make provision responsive to local needs and aspirations. We do this by directly involving children and young people with SEND, their parents, and the professionals who work with them, in the development and review of the SEND Local Offer.
Norfolk Children and Families Send Local OfferDisability MattersNorfolk Early HelpDyslexia OutreachAutism AngliaNorfolk SEND Partnership